Saturday, February 16, 2013

“God’s Rottweiler”: Pope Benedict XVI’ Sign and Symbol

Louder than words.

Pope Benedict XVI and Anglican Archbishop Dr. Rowan Williams

In his visit to Westminster Abbey, Pope Benedict XVI wore the stole of Pope Leo XIII in the presence of the Anglican Archbishop Dr. Rowan Williams;

Going back in 1896, Pope Leo XIII issued a papal bull declaring all Anglican ordination to be "absolutely null and utterly void". [Apostolicae Curae] thus through symbol, Pope Benedict XVI reiterates the Church's position and what the good Leo declared and said during the year 1896.

Pope Benedict XVI and Catholic Patriarch Gregorios III Laham of Antioch

In 1868, Pope Pius IX convoked a council known as the Vatican IAnd during the First Vatican Council (1869 – 1870) a Melkite Catholic Patriach named Gregory II Youssef refused to sign and emerged as a prominent opponent of the dogma at the Council; He and the seven other Melkite bishops present voted non placet at the general congregation and left Rome as a sign of protest. But Pope Pius IX insisted and after the Council concluded, he dispatched an emissary to secure the signatures of the patriarch and the Melkite delegation. (Thanks to God), Patriarch Gregory II and the Melkite bishops subscribed to it.

Now, notice the coat of arms in Pope Benedict XVI’s stole, Yes! It is the coat of arms of Pope (now Blessed) Pius IX who insisted the validity of Vatican I Council to the Melkite Catholic.

Pope Benedict XVI and St. Celestine V

From Dr. Scott Hahn's facebook page:

Back on April 29, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI did something rather striking, but which went largely unnoticed.

He stopped off in Aquila, Italy, and visited the tomb of an obscure medieval Pope named St. Celestine V (1215-1296). After a brief prayer, he left his pallium, the symbol of his own episcopal authority as Bishop of Rome, on top of Celestine's tomb! 

Saint Celestine V - the only sainted Pope to have resigned the papacy. 

Photo credit goes to:

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