Saturday, September 22, 2012

We Are Catholic

October 11, 2012 – November 24, 2013

Video credit goes to: Defend Us in Battle 


  1. I am Catholic because; one hundred generations were Catholics before me. In addition, ten million of martyrs and hundreds of saints are witness to the Faith. Moreover, the Church is the only monarchy that has defeated the ravages of time. Even more, the bible clearly states that Jesus our Lord, have founded the Church upon the human condition of one man, namely “Peter the fisherman.” I can go on and on in given testimony to the greatness of the Church, suffices to mention that public education, hospitals (medical care), legal courts, and so many human enterprises have their origin in the Catholic Church. The most important of all: our spiritual condition is carefully given by our Church; the salvation or our eternal damnation is within our reach it is our personal decision, we have the choice to be in heaven or in hell; for our Church has the bread of eternal life. Its richness is beyond our human comprehension because; we can be part of the “Church militant (if we are in the Catholic Church), and by the grace of almighty God, be member of the “Church suffering,” and by the grace of our Lord: be in heaven with the “Church triumphant,” which it is our final abode. Everything that a man needs is in the Church, suffices only to ask, and he will be answer, or to knock for he will open it, and beg to him for he will gives the bread of eternal life. These are the few reasons as to why I am Catholic for if I decide to live the Church I will become a traitor to all the generations of peoples, saints, martyrs who gave testimony, and die for our Faith so as to make possible for me and for us to be part of the Holy Mother Church. Virgin of Fatima prays for the conversion of sinners and will pray for the “consecration of Russia to your immaculate heart, of Mother of God the Son, amen.


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