Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I am Against RH Bill!

Take your stand against RH bill, Pro-Abortion is knocking at the Door... they are waiting for the keys cloth under the name RH BILL. READ:

Despite its current claims to the contrary, the abortion industry was never in doubt that more contracepti
on would lead to more, not fewer, abortions. In 1973, abortionist Dr. Malcolm Potts, past medical director of the International Planned Parenthood Federation, said that “As people turn to contraception, there will be a rise, not a fall, in the abortion rate.” Dr. Judith Bury of the Brook Advisory Center chimed in a few years later that “There is overwhelming evidence that, contrary to what you might expect, the provision of contraception leads to an increase in the abortion rate.”2

The reason for this is twofold: First, contraceptives fail a certain percentage of the time. A 5% failure rate means that 5% of the couples using a certain method will be pregnant at the end of the year.

Second, the use of contraceptives gives a false sense of security that leads to risky sexual behavior. The result is more “unplanned” pregnancies and hence more abortions.

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  1. He said all: “unless we have more children we need immigrants.” However, the problem goes dipper, we are seeing the surface only. We must find the roots of these problems, starting with the wide spread of the idea that the church has accepted birth control which it is not true. Behind scenes, there are forces at work trying to destroy Catholic principles. To go more dippers that this it would take more words, information, sources, etc… and it is beyond the scope of this short paragraph. The Catholic Church is living its passion like that of our Lord; and, I as a Catholic I must as St John, bears witness at the scaffold of the Cruz. This holocaust, will end up until the Virgin of Fatima is third secret be revealed. God bless

  2. You know, it would be a good idea to comment about the current state of our country. First all, there is no longer democracy in USA. You can try to refute what I am saying but, you will wind up in a death end. I have been involved in politics all my life and for the first time, when Mr. Bush was in Office, thinks started to change for the worse not to mention with this Mr. Obama, who is been proven beyond any single doubt that he is not a USA citizen. According to my information the Congress along with the Senate are to dissect the Federal Reserve Bank, I wonder if that is true. I love life, is the most precious gift one can ever imagine for as the blessed Maria Agreda says in her third book on” the Holy City Of God “it is better to have been born that never have been born.” In another words to be it is gift beyond human comprehension. Now, when abortion took its unlawful place in our land it was due to the Talmudist mentality of the Supreme Court. It is of no secret that our current society, and most probably the Western World at large are permeated with this criminal mentality. Do I going to aim my finger to an especial population NO because; all of us in certain degree are responsible for the current state of affairs of our country. God bless you all

  3. In 2012 we made a documentary about the RH Bill and talked to the CBCP, Senator Sotto, Representative Lagman, Pro-lifer Eric Manalang and many more. Visit for details on the film.

    In July 2014 we went back to the Dr. Jose Fabella maternity hospital to find out if the passing of the RH bill has resulted in any noticable improvements. Watch our update here:


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